The art studio
Leo Manelli
Leo Manelli is an Italian artist who in his own words, is bridging the gap between 19th century and modern art. From an early age, he has admired the works of great masters. As his creative path progressed, he began to add modern details to his works, mixing old and new art. Among PoCo museum related artists, motifs by Banksy, Keith Haring, Andy Warhol, Damien Hirst, Jean-Michel Basquiat and others can be found in Manelli’s work. It is meaningful that the motifs of the mentioned artists have become independent signs that many contemporary artists use as part of a puzzle pieces in their art.
Leo Manelli on Itaalia kunstnik, kes enda sõnul ühendab lõhet, mis on 19. sajandi ja tänapäevase kunsti vahel. Juba varasest noorusest on ta imetlenud suurte meistrite loomingut. Loometee edenedes hakkas ta teostele lisama kaasaegseid detaile segades kokku vana ja uue kunsti. PoCo muuseumiga seotud kunstnikest leiab Manelli loomngus Banksy, Keith Haringu, Andy Warholi, Damien Hirsti, Jean-Michel Basquiat jt motiive. Kõnekas on asjaolu, et nimetatud kunstnike motiivid on muutunud iseseisvateks märkideks, mida paljud kaasaja kunstnikud justkui pusletükke osana enda loomingus kasutavad.