Marilyn’s rainbow


Ugo Nespolo

Ugo Nespolo (b 1941) is a unique Italian artist. His work combines high and low spheres, and the artist’s figure brings together culture and irony. Nespolo’s career has been wide-ranging as he has worked with, among other things, painting, printing and film. In the 1980s, the artist worked on ceramics, glass art and advertising campaigns. Since 1986, he has also created stage designs and costumes for operas. In 2002, he became artistic coordinator in the Turin region to establish an underground museum of contemporary art. As a result, there are also his glass etchings and images in subway stations. His work in recent years takes him back to the influences of Pop art that began in the 1960s. Since Andy Warhol’s Marilyn, countless artists have created their own interpretations, each time cementing her immortal status as an art icon.

Ugo Nespolo (s 1941) on ainulaadne Itaalia kunstnik. Tema looming ühendab kõrget ja madalat sfääri ning kunstniku kuju toob kokku kultuuri ning iroonia. Nespolo karjäär on olnud laiahaardeline kuivõrd ta on tegelenud mh maali-, trüki- ja filmikunstiga. 1980. aastatel tegeles kunstnik keraamika, klaasikunsti ja reklaamkampaaniatega. Alates 1986. aastast on ta  loonud ka ooperite lavakujundusi ja kostüüme. 2002. aastal sai ta Torino piirkonnas kunstiliseks koordinaatoriks, et rajada maa-alune kaasaegse kunsti muuseum. Selle tulemusel on metroojaamades ka tema klaasist söövitused ning kujutised. Tema viimaste aastate looming viib ta tagasi 1960. aastatel alanud popkunsti mõjutuste juurde. Pärast Andy Warholi Marilyni on lugematu arv kunstnikke loonud enda tõlgendusi ning iga kord kinnistavad nad seeläbi tema surematut kunstiikooni staatust.