Mickey Blue
Damien Hirst (b 1965) is a British artist, art collector and entrepreneur. He is part of the group Young British Artists and he was very active and seen in the 1990s British art scene. One of the best known works by Hirst is “The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living” (1991), which is basically a dead tiger shark, which is preserved in a tank filled with formaldehyde. Just like Andy Warhol, Hirst is interested in death as one of the main themes in his art. Death is a main topic both for the tiger shark, cow, sheep in formaldehyde and for the sculpture “For the Love of God” (2007), which is a human skull from the 19th century covered with 8601 diamonds. The artwork took about 28 million to create and sold for about 100 million dollars. “Mickey Blue” is a slightly abstract take on the famous Disney character. In fact, Disney commissioned Hirst in 2016 to create his version of Mickey Mouse and Hirst playfully depicts Mickey Mouse with 12 spots. Therefore, one can see stylistic coherence with Hirst’s “The Currency” and “Blue Mickey”, both seen in PoCo museum.
Damien Hirst (s 1965) on Briti kunstnik, kunstikoguja ja ettevõtja. Ta kuulub kunstnike rühmitusse Noored Briti Kunstnikud ning ta oli väga aktiivne ja nähtaval 1990. aastate Briti kunstis. Üks tuntumaid ja vastuolulisemaid Hirsti töid on “The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living” (1991), mis on sisuliselt surnud tiigerhai, keda säilitatakse formaalaldehüüdis. Just nagu Andy Warholi, huvitab Hirsti kunstnikuna surma teema, tegelikult on see üks tema kunsti peamisi teemasid. Surmaga tegeleb nii formaalaldehüüdis tiigerhai, lehm ja lammas kui ka skulptuur “For the Love of God” (2007), mis on 19. sajandist pärit surnupealuu, mis on kaetud 8601 teemantiga. Kunstiteose valmimise kulu oli umbes 28 miljonit ning see müüdi ligi 100 miljoni dollari eest. “Mickey Blue” on isegi veidi abstraktne tõlgendus kuulsast Disney tegelaskujust. 2016 tellis Disney kompanii Hirstilt tema tõlgenduse Miki Hiirest, kus ta mänguliselt Miki Hiirt 12 laiguga kujutab. Seega on võimalik näha stilistilist koherentsust kui vaadelda Hirsti teoseid “The Currency” ja “Blue Mickey”, mis on mõlemad PoCo muuseumis olemas.