Richard Orlinski
Richard Orlinski (b 1966) is one of the best-selling French artists. He is primarily known for his large and brightly colored animal sculptures. It is important for the artist to bring art to the people, therefore his sculptures can often be seen in public spaces. Pac-Man is a computer game created in Japan in the 1980s and a yellow character eats ghosts in that game. This sculpture is a collaborative project between Orlinski and Bandai Namco Entertainment. One of Orlinski’s latest collaboration projects is with the ballpoint pen company BIC, and one can get an exclusive pen for 390 euros. The artist has also created special mascots in relation to the Summer Olympics in Paris.
Richard Orlinski (s 1966) on üks kõige paremini müüvaid Prantsuse kunstnikke. Ta on eelkõige tuntud oma suurte ja erksavärviliste loomaskulptuuride poolest. Kunstniku jaoks on oluline kunst rahvani tuua, seetõttu võib tema skulptuure tihti avalikus ruumis näha. Pac-Man on 1980. aastatel Jaapanis loodud arvutimäng, kus kollane tegelane sööb kummitusi. Antud skulptuur on Orlinski ja Bandai Namco Entertainment’i koostööprojekt. Orlinski üks viimaseid koostööprojekte on pastapliiatsi firmaga BIC ning eksklusiivse pastaka saab endale 390 euroga. Samuti on kunstnik seoses Pariisi suveolümpiamängudega loonud spetsiaalsed maskotid.