Devolved Parliament



Banksy, the world’s most famous street artist, is indiscriminate about criticism and topics. In this artwork, he depicts the British House of Commons, but the politicians have been replaced by chimpanzees. Chimpanzees first appeared in Banksy’s art in the early 2000s, and the message on their apron proclaimed “Laugh now, but one day we’ll be in charge.” The artist’s comment on his later reworking of the artwork was: “Laugh now, but one day no-one will be in charge.” Chimpanzees are the most genetically and physically similar primates to humans. Already in 1963, Pierre Boulle’s book Planet of the Apes was published and painted a picture of how the roles are reversed and the apes take over the rule of mankind.

Maailma tuntuim tänavakunstnik Banksy on kriitika ja teemade suhtes valimatu. Antud teosel kujutab ta Briti alamkoda, kuid poliitikud on asendatud šimpansidega. Šimpansid ilmusid Banksy loomingusse esmakordselt 2000. aastate alguses ning nende põllel olev sõnum kuulutas “Laugh now, but one day we’ll be in charge”. Kunstniku kommentaar oma hilisemale teose ümbertöötlusele oli: “Laugh now, but one day no-one will be in charge.” Šimpansid on inimesele geneetiliselt ja kehaehituselt kõige sarnasemad primaadid. Juba 1963. aastal ilmus Pierre Boulle raamat “Ahvide planeet”, mis maalis pildi sellest, kuidas rollid vahetuvad ning ahvid võtavad inimkonna valitsemise üle.