Postphone is a digital canvas that is composed of 100% recycled smartphones, made to give discarded screens a new meaning and purpose – to present the artworks of the world’s best digital artists.
Amaze Fall by Jeroen van der Most
The ‘Amaze Fall’ is an art installation of 168 smart phones, showing an endless stream of astonished influencer faces, all generated by AI.
The artwork is an experiment to find new ways of bringing joy and surprise with technology. At the same time, it hopes to raise thought on our contemporary culture that increasingly depends on algorithms, short attentions spans, and influencers. The rise of AI, that is developing at enormous speed, has an unknown future effect. What will it do our societies? Will it bring us to new heights of pleasure or will it eventually be our fall?
Learn more:
Come see more of Jeroen’s work at PoCo popart museum in Rotermann Quarter, a short five minute walk from here.
Use the code “postphone” and you’ll receive a 30% discount. The code is valid only on spot.
PostPhone on digilõuend, mis annab oma algsest kasutusest eemaldatud telefonidele uue tähenduse ja rolli – esitleda maailma parimate digikunstnike teoseid.
Jeroen van der Most “Amaze Fall”
“Amaze Fall” on kunstiinstallatsioon, mis koosneb 168 nutitelefonist, kuhu voolab lõputu hulk AI loodud imestunud mõjutajaid.
Teos on eksperiment, et leida uusi viise tehnoloogia abil rõõmu ja üllatust pakkuda. Samal ajal soovib see tekitada mõtteid meie kaasaegse kultuuri kohta, mis üha enam sõltub algoritmidest, lühikestest tähelepanuulatustest ja mõjutajaist. AI tõus, mis areneb tohutul kiirusel, avaldab tulevikus teadmata mõju. Mida see meie ühiskondadele teeb? Kas see viib meid uutele rõõmu tippudele või saab lõpuks meie languseks?
Tule avasta Jeroeni loomingut PoCo popkunstimuuseumis!
Koodiga “postphone” pilet -30%. Soodustus kehtib kohapealt ostes.