Protect Dreams, Dreams Protect


Björn Koop

Bjõrn Koop (b 1982) is an Estonian designer who works as a car designer for Mitsubishi in Japan. Previously, he also held the same position at Kia in Germany. The artist created a work with tapes specially for the wall of the PoCo Museum. Of course, the piece is related to the field of the designer, but it can also be viewed in the context of the modern era, where electric and self-driving cars are the norm. So one can only wonder how far away is the time when people fly their cars. Koop has been inspired in his oeuvre by Barbara Kruger’s word artworks. Dreams are something that everyone has, but one can’t always be sure that they are really ready for their dreams to come true.

Bjõrn Koop (s 1982) on Eesti disainer, kes töötab Jaapanis Mitsubishi autodisainerina. Eelnevalt on ta samas ametis olnud ka Saksamaal Kias. Kunstnik lõi spetsiaalselt PoCo muuseumi seinale teipidega teose. Mõistagi on teos seotud disaineri valdkonnaga, kuid seda saab vaadata ka kaasaja kontekstis, kus elektri- ja isejuhtivad autod on normaalsus. Seega jääb üle vaid mõtiskleda, kui kaugel on aeg, kus inimesed oma autodega lendavad. Koopi on tema loomingus inspireerinud Barbara Krugeri sõnakunsti teosed. Unistused on midagi, mis kõigi inimestel on, kuid alati ei saa kindel olla, et inimesed unistuste täitumiseks ka päriselt valmis on.