Proposal for a Public Place
Angus Fairhurst
Angus Fairhurst (1966 – 2008) was a British sculptor, installation and performance artist. Together with Damien Hirst, he was part of the Young British Artists. Fairhurst’s complex and often underappreciated work dealt with the sharp meeting points of the individual, society and life. One of the central motifs in his works was the image of the gorilla, which was the hero of sculptures, photographs and installations. The artist used surreal humor in his creations to make people question the nature of things. Current artwork was created as part of Damien Hirst’s 2006 exhibition The Darkest Hour There May Be Light.
Angus Fairhurst (1966 – 2008) oli Briti skulptor, installatsiooni- ja performants kunstnik. Koos Damien Hirstiga kuulus ta Noorte Briti Kunstnike hulka. Fairhursti keerukas ja tihti alahinnatud looming tegeles indiviidi, ühiskonna ja elu teravate kohtumispunktidega. Üks keskseid motiive tema teostes oli gorilla kujutis, kes oli nii skulptuuride, fotode kui ka installatsioonide kangelane. Kunstnik kasutas oma loomingus sürreaalset huumorit, et seada kahtluse alla asjade olemus. Antud teos loodi Damien Hirsti 2006. aasta näituse “The Darkest Hour There May Be Light” raames.