Rainbow Target
Peter Blake
Peter Blake (b 1932) is a Pop artist and the godfather of British Pop art. In the 1950s he was one of the young British artists, who started depicting popular culture, bands, comic books and movies that they liked. The artist started with collages using cigarette packets and photographs. He was the co-creator of the 1967 The Beatles album Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. He is also the author of the Band Aid 1984 charity single Do They Know It’s Christmas?. In 1961 he made an artwork called The First Real Target, which is related to the artworks by Jasper Johns and Kenneth Noland. In the late 1990s he “retired” from painting and started creating 3D artworks. Current artwork Rainbow target can be seen as a continuation of this motif, despite the artworks being 55 years apart.
Peter Blake (s 1932) on popkunstnik ja Briti popkunsti ristiisa. 1950. aastatel oli ta üks noori Briti kunstnikke, kes hakkas kujutama populaarset kultuuri, bände, koomiksiraamatuid ja filme, mis neile meeldisid. Blake alustas kollaažidega, kus ta kasutas nii sigaretipakke kui ka fotosid. Kunstnik on ansambli The Beatles 1967. aasta albumi “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” kujunduse kaasautor. Ühtlasi on ta 1984. aasta Band Aid heategevusliku singli “Do They Know It’s Christmas?” autor. 1961. aastal lõi ta teose nimega “The First Real Target”, mis on seotud Jasper Johnsi ja Kenneth Nolandi teostega. 1990. aastatel pani ta maalimise pausile ja hakkas looma kolmemõõtmelisi kunstiteoseid. Käesolevat kunstiteost “Rainbow target” võib vaadelda kui sama motiivi jätkamist, olgugi, et teoste vahele jääb 55 aastat.