Changing Meaning


In the third hall the attention is on the artworks where the meaning and/or context of everyday objects and famous characters changes. Campbell soup, everyday food in the consumer society was turned into iconic artworks by Warhol. Warhol made art part of everyone’s experience changing the ordinary American soup into immortal artwork. Similarly Superman, Mickey Mouse, paper notes and stamps are placed in the art world. When Andy Warhol signed the money at the height of his fame, its notional value went up. In Andy Mouse Ketih Haring has cleverly depicted Andy Warhol as famous and rich as the international superstar Mickey Mouse. Comics, which are an inseparable part of many people’s childhood, have found their way to art through Roy Lichtenstein’s art. On the comics theme wall there is also contemporary art by Peter Stark and Nick Smith as a homage to Lichtenstein. The latter has found his unique technique using paint chips from the hardware store. Lastly, Pop art can look totally different in different countries. 

Kolmandas saalis on tähelepanu all teosed, kus igapäevaste asjade ja kuulsate tegelaste tähendus ja/või kontekst muutuvad. Tarbimisühiskonnas igapäevasest toidust, täpsemalt Campbelli supipurkidest said Warholi käe läbi ikoonilised kunstiteosed. Warhol muutis kunsti igaühe kogemuseks tehes ameeriklaste argisest supipurgist surematu kunstiteose. Kunstimaailma on asetatud ka Supermees, Miki Hiir, paberraha ja postmargid. Ajal mil Andy Warhol oma kuulsuse tipus raha signeeris, kasvas selle mõtteline väärtus kordades. Keith Haring on oma teosel “Andy Mouse” Warholit tabavalt sama kuulsa ja rikkana kujutanud  kui rahvusvahelist superstaari Miki Hiirt. Koomiksid, mis on paljude lapsepõlve lahutamatu osa on oma tee kunsti leidnud Roy Lichtensteini loomingu läbi. Koomiksiteemalisel seinal on austusavaldusena Lichtensteinile kaasaja kunstnike Peter Starki ja Nick Smithi teosed. Viimane neist on leidnud oma isikupärase tehnika ehituspoest tuttavate värvikaartide kasutamisel.