PoCo Presents


PoCo Presents is a residency area in the museum. We use the term residency loosely, as the artist is not currently painting here but his works are displayed. The residency lasts six months. After that we will bring in a new artist.  The look of this space is a bit… different. That’s because when we were renovating, all the artists and curators who visited us said it would be best to leave it as is. It’s more fun and allows more creative freedom, as white boxes are boring. So, there you go. These are the old showers from the dance studio that used to occupy this space before we moved in.

PoCo Presents on kunstimuuseumi residentsiala. Kasutame residentsi mõistet vabalt, kuna kunstnik ei maali hetkel siin, vaid tema töid eksponeeritakse. Residentsiaal kestab kuus kuud. Pärast seda toome sisse uue kunstniku.Selle ruumi välimus on veidi… erinev. Seda seetõttu, et renoveerimisel käies ütlesid kõik meid külastanud kunstnikud ja kuraatorid, et oleks kõige parem jätta see selliseks, nagu ta on. See on lõbusam ja võimaldab rohkem loovvabadust, sest valged kastid on igavad. Seega, siin teile. Need on vanad duširuumid tantsustuudiost, mis enne meie sissekolimist siin asus.