My Kid Just Ruined My Damien Hirst PACMAN

21st century

Ziegler T

Ziegler T is French artist Thierry Ziegler. He is influenced by Pop art and the classics of painting. In his work, he has interpreted both Mona Lisa and Banksy. This work parodies Damien Hirst’s spot art series, and a child playing the Pacman game seems to eat Hirst’s work. In the “Ruined by Children” series he has also interpreted works by Pablo Picasso, Piet Mondrian and Keith Haring.

Ziegler T on Prantsuse kunstnik Thierry Ziegler. Ta on mõjutatud popkunstist ning maalikunsti klassikast. Tema loomingus vaatavad vastu nii Mona Lisa  kui ka Banksy tõlgendused. Käesolev teos parodeerib Damien Hirsti nn täpikunsti seeriat ning Pacmani mängu mängiv laps sööb  Hirsti teose justkui ära. “Laste poolt rikutud” seerias on ta interpreteerinud ka Pablo Picasso, Piet Mondriani ja Keith Haringu teoseid.