Senza Titolo

1984/21st century

Mimmo Rotella

Domenico “Mimmo” Rotella (1918-2006) was an Italian artist and poet. Senza Titolo is his artwork referencing Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel ceiling fresco (1508-1512), precisely The creation of Adam. Pair of hands has been featured countless times in art and culture including Nokia’s slogan Connecting People, NASA´s photo Man and Machine etc. Symbolically humans as the children of god have transformed into being gods to robot-children. In relation to that the bond between people and religion has been transformed with “religion of technology” over the centuries. 

Domenico “Mimmo” Rotella (1918-2006) oli Itaalia kunstnik ja luuletaja. “Senza Titolo” on tema kunstiteos, mis viitab Michelangelo Sixtuse kabeli laefreskole (1508-1512), täpsemalt Aadama loomise stseenile. Käepaari on kunstis ja kultuuris lugematu arv kordi kajastatud, sealhulgas Nokia loosung Connecting People, NASA foto Inimene ja masin jne. Sümboolselt on inimesed kui jumala lapsed muutunud ise jumalateks robot-lastele. Sellega seonduvalt on inimeste ja religiooni vaheline side sajandite jooksul transformeerunud “tehnoloogia religiooniks”.