Spot paintings


Damien Hirst

Damien Hirst (b 1965) is a well-known British artist who uses a variety of mediums, but he is probably best known for his animals preserved in formaldehyde. For example, The Physical Impossibility Of Death In The Mind Of Someone Living, from 1991, preserves a tiger shark and confronts viewers with the subject of mortality. Although Yayoi Kusama is known as the princess of polka dots in Pop art, and Ben-Day dots are also a specialty of Roy Lichtenstein’s work, Hirst has also been creating spot paintings for over 20 years. In total, Hirst has created more than 1500 paintings with the help of his assistants. With this series, Hirst explores color and form, to the extent that all colors are different in each work, and there’s a desire to achieve the feeling that they were created by a machine and not by a human hand.

Damien Hirst (s 1965) on tuntud Briti kunstnik, kes kasutab erinevaid meediume, kuid ta on ilmselt tuntud oma formaldehüüdis säilitatavate loomade tõttu. Näiteks 1991. aastast pärit teos “The Physical Impossibility Of Death In The Mind Of Someone Living”, säilitab tiigerhaid ja paneb vaatajad silmitsi surelikkuse teemaga. Kuigi popkunstis on täppide printsessina tuntud Yayoi Kusama ning ka Roy Lichtensteini loomingu eripäraks on rastertäpid, siis ka Hirst on üle 20 aasta loonud nn täpimaale. Hirst on oma assistentidega kokku loonud üle 1500 täpimaali. Antud seeriaga uurib Hirst värvi ja vormi, kuivõrd igas teoses on kõik värvid erinevad ning soov on saavutada tunnet, et need on justkui masina mitte inimese käe loodud.