

Marko Mäetamm

Dance of Death is the topic of artworks from 1993 and 2023 by Marko Mäetamm. The latter artwork was made especially for the PoCo museum as a correction of the mistake because of the colourful clavicle in the artwork in 1993.​​ The artist is in dialogue with his own oeuvre but also with the medieval Bernt Notke’s Dance of Death. In the middle ages the hierarchy of people was shown and how devastating plague didn’t care about it and all the people were equal in front of death. Contemporary Dance of Death is playing with the bright colours of Pop art, one of the interpretations is also a link with the LGBTQ+ community flag. Therefore one can discuss freedom and equality in society and in the world.

“Surmatants” on Marko Mäetamme 1993. aasta ja 2023. aasta teose teema. Viimane teos valmis spetsiaalselt PoCo muuseumisse justkui vea parandus 1993. aasta teose värvilise rangluu tõttu. Autor on dialoogis nii iseenda loominguga kui ka keskaegse Bernt Notke “Surmatantsuga”. Keskajal näidati inimeste hierarhiat ning seda kuidas laastav katk ei hoolinud sellest ning kõik inimesed olid surma ees võrdsed. Kaasaegne surmatants mängib lisaks popkunsti erksatele värvidele ühe tõlgendusena ka LGBTQ+ kogukonna lipuga. Seega saab rääkida vabadusest ja võrdsusest tänapäeva ühiskonnas ning maailmas.