Kaspar Jancis
Kaspar Jancis is the author, artist, composer and stage designer of several animated films with international distribution, and he has also designed some light scooters. The common denominator of the multifaceted creator’s work is the game. The work is the audience’s playground. The author considers himself the creator of playgrounds. The author has discovered for himself that at a deeper level of thinking, ideas are very similar, regardless of how they take shape in reality. Thumbelina is a good example of how context changes the effect of an object. Originally, the work was part of the children’s play “Tagurpidi” based on Priit Pärna’s cartoon. The journey comic – performance – urban space is an example of the possibilities of reuse in the field of art.
Kaspar Jancis on mitmete rahvusvahelise leviga animafilmide autor, kunstnik, helilooja, ning lavastuskunstnik, lisaks on ta disaininud mõned kergliikurid. Mitmetahulise looja loomingu ühisnimetaja on mäng. Teos on publikumi mänguväljak. Autor peab ennast mänguväljade loojaks. Autor on enda jaoks avastanud, et mõtlemise sügavamal tasandil on ideed väga saransed hoolimata sellest milliseks nad reaalsuses vormuvad. Thumbelina on hea näide kuidas konteks muudab objekti mõju. Algselt oli teos osa Priit Pärna koomiksi põhjal loodud lastelavastusest “Tagurpidi”. Teekond koomiks- lavastus- linnaruum on näide taaskasutuse võimalustest kunsti vallas.