Trash Man
Hans-Jürgen Schult, known as HA Schult (b 1939) is a German artist, who is considered the pioneer of eco-art. He has created installations and happenings throughout his career and he has been using garbage as a material for his art. “Trash people” is a project from 1996 and it went to all the continents. “Trash People” fits into 20 containers and they resemble the consumer society, in fact they can be seen as the refugees of it. Schult’s artwork points out that people create trash and one day they become trash themselves. Schult’s artwork was truly ahead of the time considering how burning topics the trash islands in the oceans and non-biodegradable plastic items.
Hans-Jürgen Schult (s 1939) on Saksa kunstnik, keda peetakse keskkonnakunsti pioneeriks. Ta on kogu oma karjääri jooksul loonud installatsioone ja häppeninge ning ta oma kasutanud prügi kui kunsti tegemise materjali. “Trash people” on projekt 1996. aastast ning seda esitleti kõigil kontinentidel. “Trash People” mahub 20sse konteinerisse ja nad esindavad tarbimisühiskonda, mille põgenikud nad on. Schulti teos tõstab esile, et inimesed loovad prügi ja muutuvad ühel päeval ka ise prügiks. Schulti teos oli oma ajast tõeliselt ees arvestades asjaolu kui põletavad teemad on ookeani prügisaared ja lagunematud plastiktooted.