Vandalized Marx


Alexei Gordin

Alexei Gordin (b 1989) is an artist working in Estonia. He has a bachelor’s degree in Fine arts from the Estonian Academy of Arts and a master’s degree in the same field from the University of Helsinki. The artist works in the field of painting, video, photography and performance. It is a vandalized portrait of Karl Marx, and the message that demands attention is about boring artworks and boring curators. So a sharp blow towards the art world, but also a broader question about what art is interesting to the audience and what is not.

Alexei Gordin (s 1989) on Eestis tegutsev kunstnik. Tal on Eesti Kunstiakadeemia vabade kunstide bakalaureusekraad ning sama eriala magistrikraad Helsingi Ülikoolist. Kunstnik tegutseb nii maalikunsti, video, foto kui ka performansi vallas. Tegemist on vandaliseeritud portreega Karl Marxist ning tähelepanu nõuab sõnum, mis räägib igavatest kunstiteostest ja igavatest kuraatoritest. Seega terav löök kunstimaailma suunas, kuid ka laiem küsimus selle kohta, milline kunst on publikule huvitav ja milline mitte.