Marilyn Monroe
Andy Warhol
Warhol made his first paintings of Marilyn Monroe soon after the actor died of a drug overdose on 5 August 1962. Warhol used a publicity photo for her 1953 film Niagara as the source image. The use of two contrasting canvases for Marilyn Diptych illustrates the contrast between the public life of the star, who at the time was one of the most famous women alive, and her private self. This was not necessarily Warhol’s intention. He created this work when the art collectors Burton and Emily Tremaine visited Warhol’s home. They suggested that two canvases he had already made be presented as a diptych, to which Warhol responded, ‘gee whiz yes’.
Warhol tegi oma esimesed maalid Marilyn Monroest varsti pärast seda, kui näitleja suri narkootikumide üledoosi tõttu 5. augustil 1962. Warhol kasutas lähtepildina oma 1953. aasta filmi Niagara reklaamfotot. Kahe kontrastse lõuendi kasutamine Marilyn Diptychi jaoks illustreerib kontrasti staari, kes oli tol ajal üks kuulsamaid naisi, avaliku elu ja tema eraelu vahel. See ei olnud tingimata Warholi kavatsus. Ta lõi selle teose siis, kui kunstikollektsionäärid Burton ja Emily Tremaine Warholi kodu külastasid. Nad tegid ettepaneku esitada kaks tema juba tehtud lõuendit diptühhonina, millele Warhol vastas: “Jah, jah”.