Roy Lichtenstein
Roy Lichtenstein (1923 – 1997) was an American pop artist, who started using comic book strips as the basis of his artworks. Whaam! is an artwork from 1963 and it consists of two pieces. The artist got the idea from DC Comics All-American Men of War published in 1962 and drawn by Irv Novick. One of the panels depicts an American fighter plane and the other panel enemy’s plane being hit and exploding plus enormous text almost screaming WHAAM!. One can also see some humor as one panel attacks the other. Lichtenstein made several smaller drawings before he finalized the painting. He would often project on the canvas to draw with pencil before applying a crucial part of his signature style, the Ben-Day dots. Around 1962-1963 Lichtenstein was interested in emotionally loaded topics such as war in this hall and love seen in the previous hall.
Roy Lichtenstein (1923 – 1997) oli Ameerika popkunstnik, kes hakkas oma teoste loomisel tuginema koomiksiraamatutele. “Whaam!” on pärit 1963. aastast ning see koosneb kahest osast. Kunstnik sai idee DC Comics väljaandest All-American Men of War, mis avaldati 1962. aastal ning joonistati Irv Novicku poolt. Üks paneelidest kujutab Ameerika hävituslennukit ning teine paneel vaenlase pihtasaanud plahvatavat lennukit lisaks peaaegu karjuv tekst WHAAM!. Vaataja võib näha teatavat huumorit ka selles, et üks paneel ründab teist. Lichtenstein tegi alustuseks mitmeid väiksemaid joonistusi enne maali teostamist. Tihti projitseeris ta kujutise lõuendile ja joonistas pliiatsiga enne kui ta lisas olulise osa oma signatuurstiilist, rastertäpid. Aastatel 1962-1963 oli Lichtenstein huvitatud emotsionaalselt laetud teemadest nagu sõda nähtuna siinses saalis ja armastus nagu nähtud eelmises saalis.