My World Your World


Thomas Dellert-Delacroix & Agnieszka Dellfina

Thomas Dellert-Delacroix (b 1953) is a Swedish artist and Agnieszka Dellfina (b 1974) is a Polish artist. For over 40 years, Dellert-Delacroix has created art using a variety of media. He has had more than 100 exhibitions. Dellfina graduated from the Polish University of Fashion and Design, majoring in design, and she has been working as a fashion designer and make-up artist. The artwork “My World Your World” from 2000 is the creation of their joint Studio Utopia and it is a lenticular artwork in which many different signs and symbols are placed in layers. What is seen in the work changes according to where the viewer is currently standing. The world is always changing just like art.

Thomas Dellert-Delacroix (s 1953) on Rootsi kunstnik ja Agnieszka Dellfina (s 1974) on Poola kunstnik. Dellert-Delacroix on üle 40 aasta loonud kunsti kasutades erinevaid meediume. Tal on toimunud üle 100 näituse. Dellfina on lõpetanud Poola Moe- ja Disainiülikooli disaini eriala ning ta on tegutsenud moe-ja meigikunstnikuna. 2000. aasta teos “My World Your World” on nende ühise Studio Utopia looming ning tegemist on lentikulaarse teosega, kuhu on kihtidena asetatud palju erinevaid märke ja sümboleid. Teosel nähtu muutub vastavalt sellele, kus vaataja parasjagu seisab. Maailm on pidevas muutumises nii nagu kunst.