Ann and Vera dancing. 2
Julian Opie
Julian Opie (b 1958) is an English artist whose work is characterized by silhouettes with round heads. The aesthetics of his works are related to advertisements and illustrations. Opie’s work vividly reflects how Pop art creates art objects based on everyday life and popular culture. His artworks are often named after specific people, because he relies on the people around him to create them. In addition to paintings, he has created sculptures and computer animations on an LED screen. His 2016 project Walking in the city can be seen entering the Tower Hill underground station in London.
Julian Opie (s 1958) on Inglise kunstnik, kelle loomingule on iseloomulikud ümmarguste peadega siluetid. Tema teoste esteetika on seotud reklaamide ja illustratsioonidega. Opie looming peegeldab ilmekalt, kuidas popkunstis luuakse kunstiobjekte, mis tuginevad igapäevaelule ning populaarsele kultuurile. Tema teosed kannavad tihti konkreetsete inimeste nimesid, sest ta tugineb nende loomisel end ümbritsevatele inimestele. Lisaks maalidele on ta loonud skulptuure ning LED-ekraanil arvutianimatsioone. Londonis Tower Hill metroopeatusesse sisenedes on võimalik näha tema 2016. aasta projekti “Walking in the city”.