Baci Fugaci

21st century

Marco Lodola

Marco Lodola (b 1955) is an Italian artist who has been compared to Andy Warhol. Mass culture and bright colors are central to both of their creations. Couples in love on a Vespa is one of Lodola’s best-known motifs. At the same time, the heroes of his works are not elevated to a higher status, but bright colors and a minimalist approach emphasize playfulness. Lodola’s works often feature Piaggio’s moped named Vespa, the production of which began as early as 1946. There is also a reference to the 1953 film Vacanze Romane, where the main characters played by Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck ride a Vespa through the streets of Rome. Lodola’s characters have no faces and this makes them timeless. Equally important is the light of the artist’s works, which can be a separate character.

Marco Lodola (s 1955) on Itaalia kunstnik, keda kõrvutatakse Andy Warholiga. Mõlema loomingus on kesksel kohal massikultuur ning erksad värvid. Armunud paarid Vespal on üks Lodola tuntumaid motiive. Samas ei ole tema teoste kangelased tõstetud kõrgemasse staatusesse, vaid kirkad värvid ning minimalistlik lähenemine rõhutab mängulisust. Tihti on Lodola teostel Piaggio Vespa nimeline mopeed, mille tootmine sai alguse juba 1946. aastal. Ühtlasi on siin viide 1953. aasta filmile “Vacanze Romane”, kus Audrey Hepburni ja Gregory Pecki kehastatud peategelased sõidavad Vespaga Rooma tänavatel. Lodola tegelastel ei ole nägusid ning see muudab nad ajatuks. Samavõrra on oluline kunstniku teoste valgus, mis võib olla eraldi tegelane.