Eneli Valge
Eneli Valge (b 1970) is an Estonian artist and designer. Charlotte started from the portrait series Junks and Whores, which is based on the 16th-18th century portraits. The idea of an artist is that the nature of a person hasn’t changed for centuries, and Valge offers educational entertainment with her paintings. Firstly, the painting is based on the painting by Georg David Matthieu of the princess Sophie Charlotte de Mecklenburg-Strelitz (1762). Secondly, she was allegedly the second dark-skinned queen of England. Thirdly, the painting depicts the sex symbol Anna Nicole Smith. Thus, the academic portrait genre and the Instagram selfie come together. The opposite pairs portray: the queen vs the connoisseur of life, luxurious vs cheap, rococo vs Pop art, oil painting vs poster kitsch, etc.
Eneli Valge (s 1970) on Eesti kunstnik ja disainer. “Charlotte” sai alguse portreeseeriast “Narrid ja hoorad”, mille aluseks on 16.-18. sajandi portreed. Kunstniku sõnul pole inimese olemus sajandite jooksul muutunud ning Valge pakub oma teostega justkui hariduslikku meelelahutust. Esiteks tugineb maal Georg David Matthieu maalil printsess Sophie Charlotte de Mecklenburg-Strelitz’ist (1762). Teiseks oli tegemist väidetavalt Inglismaa teise tumedanahalise kuningannaga. Kolmandaks on maalil kujutatud seksisümbolit Anna Nicole Smithi. Seega kokku saavad akadeemiline portreežanr ning Instagrami selfie. Vastandlikest paaridest on esil: kuninganna vs elunautleja, luksuslik vs odav, rokokoo vs popkunst, õlimaal vs plakatlik kitš jne.