Cow Going Abstract
Roy Lichtenstein
Roy Lichtenstein (1923-1997) was an influential American Pop artist who laid the foundation for the comic book style in visual art. This triptych is a tribute to Pablo Picasso’s (1881-1973) 1945 series The Bull. Picasso’s lithographs depict a bull that became more and more lifelike until it turned and the artist removed everything that did not represent the nature of the bull. The last work depicts the bull in the simplest way, only with the line. Symbolically, in both Lichtenstein’s and Picasso’s work, one can see a movement towards something simpler in form and more essential in content.
Roy Lichtenstein (1923-1997) oli mõjukas Ameerika popkunstnik, kes pani aluse koomiksistiilile kujutavas kunstis. Antud kolmikteos on austusavaldus Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) 1945. aasta seeriale “The Bull”. Picasso litograafiad kujutavad härga, kes muutus aina elutruumaks, kuni see pöördus ning kunstnik eemaldas kõik, mis ei esinda härja olemust. Viimane teos kujutab härga kõige lihtsamalt, vaid joone abil. Sümboolselt võib nii Lichtensteini kui ka Picasso teoses näha liikumist vormilt lihtsama ja sisult olemuslikuma poole.