Image of children 4
Wang Dajun
Wang Dajun (b 1958) is a Chinese artist. In 1983, he graduated from the Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts. In his oeuvre, there is a series of children, the works are distinguished by numbers. On the one hand, he brings the children into the context of the big city, but on the other hand, the children have both revolvers and knives in their hands, which highlights the theme of violence. For example, in his painting series Virtual reality he has depicted naked people in payphones. Therefore, for some, the mentioned associations have a humorous effect, and for others, they raise topics of harsh reality. Nudity is a commodity, and in various countries children have weapons in their hands to fight.
Wang Dajun (s 1958) on Hiina kunstnik. 1983. aastal lõpetas ta Sichuani Kaunite Kunstide Akadeemia. Tema loomingus on seeria lastest ning teoseid eristavad numbrid. Ühelt poolt toob ta lapsed suurlinna konteksti, kuid teisalt on lastel käes nii revolvrid kui ka noad, mis toob esile vägivalla teema. Näiteks on ta oma maaliseerias “Virtual reality” kujutanud ka alasti inimesi telefoniautomaatides. Seega mõne jaoks mõjuvad nimetatud kooslused humoorikalt ning mõne jaoks tõstatavad karmi reaalsuse teemasid. Alastus on müügiartikkel ning erinevates riikides ongi lastel relvad sõdimiseks käes.