Da Michelangelo (Blue and Red)


Tano Festa (1938-1988) was an Italian painter and photographer. He studied philosophy and photography in Rome. His first solo exhibition was held in 1961. As Italy is considered the birthplace of European culture and there’s an enormous amount of cultural heritage, it was only in the 20th century that local artists were “ready” to interfere with the art history and traditions. The beginning of the 1960s was the time when Festa turned to pop art in the “Italian way” and he interpreted works by Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci as advertisements. It was a huge shift in Italy because people still looked up to cultural images instead of popular images as they did in America. One has to understand that the cultural context in the States and Italy were completely different, therefore in Italy “popular” meant the masterpieces of renaissance masters.

Tano Festa (1938-1988) oli Itaalia maalikunstnik ja fotograaf. Ta õppis Roomas filosoofiat ja fotograafiat. Tema esimene isikunäitus toimus 1961. aastal. Kuna Itaaliat peetakse Euroopa kultuuri hälliks ning seal on aukartustäratav hulk kultuuripärandit, siis oli see alles 20. sajandil kui kohalikud kunstnikud olid “valmis” et segada kunstiajalugu ja traditsioone kaasaajaga. 1960. aastate algus oli aeg, kus Festa pööras popkunsti nö Itaalia võtmesse ning ta interpreteeris Michelangelo ja Leonardo da Vinci loomingut kui reklaame. Itaalias oli see suur murrang, sest erinevalt ameeriklastest, kes tarbisid popkultuuri, vaatasid itaallased alt üles kultuuriloolistele teostele. Samuti tuleb mõista Ameerika ja Itaalia kultuurikonteksti erinevust, nimelt Itaalias sai “populaarne” olla renessansiaegsete meistrite looming.