Kamala Harris Forward


Shepard Fairey

Shepard Fairey (b 1970) is an American street artist, graphic designer and activist. In 2008, he created a poster of presidential candidate Barack Obama on his own initiative to support his election. With the current election of the American president, the artist does it again – he creates a portrait of Kamala Harris. Using Harris’ quote “We are not going back.” the artist emphasizes that America needs change and forward movement. According to the artist, Harris is the best choice to preserve democracy and suppress emerging fascism. Fairey’s art is a tool for grassroots activism, and he created the piece to collectively work toward a better future. At the same time, Fairey’s work is an excellent example of how art can be political and have a say in what is happening in the world.

Shepard Fairey (s 1970) on Ameerika tänavakunstnik, graafiline disainer ning aktivist. 2008. aastal lõi ta omaalgatuslikult presidendikandidaat Barack Obama postri, et tema valituks saamist toetada. Seoses käesoleva Ameerika presidendi valimisega teeb kunstnik seda taas luues Kamala Harrise portree. Kasutades Harrise tsitaati “We are not going back.” rõhutab kunstnik, et Ameerika vajab muutust ning edasi liikumist. Kunstniku arvates on Harris parim valik, et säilitada demokraatiat ning suruda maha tärkav fašism. Fairey kunst on rohujuuretasandi aktivismi tööriist ning ta lõi teose jõudmaks ühiselt paremasse tulevikku. Ühtlasi on Fairey looming suurepärane näide sellest, kuidas kunst saab olla poliitiline ning maailmas toimuva osas kaasa rääkida.