LA_56, Los Angeles


Shepard Fairey & Invader

Shepard Fairey (b 1970) is an American artist and founder of OBEY clothing. He began as an artist in the mid 1980s, when he started placing his drawings on T-shirts and skateboards. Invader (b 1969) is a French street artist known for his mosaic tile Space Invader, Pac-Man etc characters. Just like Banksy, he thinks his artworks  are more important than the person behind them. Shepard Fairey and Invader have collaborated earlier as well. In 2018 they created a piece on a Water Tower together in Griffith Park, Los Angeles.

Shepard Fairey (s 1970) on Ameerika kunstnik ja OBEY rõivabrändi looja. Ta alustas kunstnikuna 1980. aastate keskel, mil ta hakkas oma joonistusi t-särkidele ja ruladele panema. Invader (s 1969) on Prantsuse tänavakunstnik, kes on tuntud oma mosaiikide, keraamiliste plaatidega tehtud Space Invaderi, Pac-Mani jt tegelaste poolest. Nii nagu Banksy, arvab ta, et tema kunstiteosed on olulisemad kui nende taga olev inimene. Shepard Fairey ja Invader on koostööd teinud ka varem. 2018. aastal lõid nad Los Angelese Griffithi pargis veetornile ühise teose.