Marlboro Man


Jean-Michel Basquiat

Jean-Michel Basquiat (1960-1988) was an American Neo-Expressionism artist. His personality and rebellious style attracted people even though they always weren’t sure what to make out of it. He was a friend and colleague of Andy Warhol and Keith Haring, unfortunately he died when he was only 27 years old  due to the heroin overdose. The Marlboro Man is a portrait of Metropolitan Museum curator Henry Geldzahler, who was one of the first collectors of the artist’s works and also a later friend. Marlboro man is also a representation of a rough cowboy in the Marlboro cigarettes advertising campaign from 1954-1999.

Jean-Michel Basquiat (1960-1988) oli Ameerika neoekspressionismi kunstnik. Basquiat isik ja mässumeelne stiil tõmbasid inimesi ligi isegi kui nad ei olnud päris kindlad, mida sellest arvata. Ta oli nii Andy Warholi kui ka Keith Haringu sõber ja kolleeg, paraku suri ta vaid 27-aastasena heroiini üledoosi tõttu. Marlboro mees on Metropolitani muuseumi kuraatori Henry Geldzahleri portree, kes oli kunstniku teoste üks esimesi kogujaid ning ka hilisem sõber. Ühtlasi esindab Marlboro mees Marlboro sigarettide reklaamnägu, karmi kauboid, kes figureeris reklaamides aastatel 1954-1999.