MGF, 1960->2011
Takashi Murakami
Takashi Murakami is a Neo-Pop artist who is considered the Andy Warhol of Japan. In 2011, he had an exhibition Homage to Yves Klein at the Perrotin gallery in Paris, from where this artwork comes. The artist compared his works with Klein’s and created monochrome works in the same format. The title of the work is also related to Klein’s work, three of his works were on display at the exhibition, one of them is called Untitled Blue Monochrome (IKB 67). Both artists are united by the pursuit of perfection. Murakami’s work moves towards infinity as the piled-up skulls begin to act as abstract repetitions.
Takashi Murakami on neo-pop kunstnik, keda peetakse Jaapani Andy Warholiks. 2011. aastal toimus tal Pariisis Perrotini galeriis näitus “Homage to Yves Klein”, kust pärineb ka käesolev teos. Kunstnik kõrvutas oma teoseid Kleini omadega ning lõi samas formaadis monokroomseid teoseid. Teose pealkiri on samuti Kleini loominguga seotud, näitusel oli väljas ka kolm tema teost, neist üks kannab nime “Untitled Blue Monochrome (IKB 67)”. Mõlemat kunstnikku ühendab täiuslikkuse poole püüdlemine. Murakami teos liigub lõpmatuse poole kuivõrd kuhjuvad pealuud hakkavad abstraktsete kordusena mõjuma.