Homage – Mel Ramos
Kino Mistral
Kino Mistral (b 1943) is an Italian artist. His first 20 years were spent growing up near the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, therefore in close proximity to Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper. He is fascinated by the masterpiece and it has left a mark on his education. Mistral has studied architecture in Milan and lived in New York for two years, where he visited Andy Warhol’s The Factory studio. Mistral has been influenced by both American Pop art and German Expressionism. The artist has also worked as an interior designer. Current artwork is his tribute to Mel Ramos.
Kino Mistral (s 1943) on Itaalia kunstnik. Tema esimesed 20 eluaastat möödusid kasvades Santa Maria delle Grazie kiriku lähedal, seega Leonardo da Vinci “Püha õhtusöömaaja” vahetus läheduses. Teda vaimustab meistriteos ning see on jätnud jälje tema haridusse. Mistral on õppinud Milanos arhitektuuri ning elanud kaks aastat New Yorgis, kus ta külastas Andy Warholi The Factory stuudiot. Mistrali on mõjutanud nii Ameerika popkunst kui ka Saksamaa ekspressionism. Kunstnik on töötanud ka sisearhitektina. Antud teos oma tema austusavaldus Mel Ramosele.