Propaganda on Paper Parcel
Mario Schifano
Mario Schifano (1934-1998) was an Italian painter. He is known as the enfant terrible of the art world and had the status of a rock star on the Italian art scene. Today, he is considered the most important artist of the era, known for his postmodern collages. The artist used mixed media and materials such as wrapping paper, advertising images, enamel paint, wax crayons, gouache, photographs, etc. Schifano’s works often referred to art history or popular culture. Because he appropriated brand logos, he is often associated with leading figures of Pop art. In this artwork, he also uses brands such as Coca-Cola and Esso. His oeuvre also features kitsch motifs such as horses and lilies. In the 1960s, the artist began a series of political works, in which he examined the Vietnam War through photography and video.
Mario Schifano (1934-1998) oli Itaalia maalikunstnik. Teda teatakse kui kunstimaailma enfant terrible ning Itaalia kunstimaastikul oli tal rokkstaari staatus. Kaasajal tuuakse teda esile kui ajastu tähtsaimat kunstnikku, kes on tuntud oma postmodernsete kollaažide poolest. Kunstnik kasutas segatehnikat ning vahenditena pakkepaberit, reklaamkujutisi, emailvärvi, vahakriite, guašši, fotosid jm. Schifano teosed viitasid sageli kunstiajaloole või popularsele kultuurile. Kuna ta omastas kaubamärkide logosid, siis seostatakse teda tihti popkunsti juhtfiguuridega. Ka käesoleval teosel kasutab ta kaubamärke nagu Coca-Cola ja Esso. Ühtlasi on tema loomingus kitši motiivid nagu hobused ja liiliad. 1960. aastatel alustas kunstnik poliitiliste teoste seeriat, kus ta uuris Vietanami sõda foto ja video kaudu.