Allen Jones
Allen Jones (b 1937) is a British painter and sculptor, whose furniture sculptures are legendary. The artist used very sexual, half-naked female mannequins in fetish clothes and stiletto heels. The objectification of women caused the fury of feminists already in the 1970s when Jones exhibited them. Over the decades, however, they have been appropriated and copied countless times by other creative people. The artist therefore published the book Allen Jones Copied – From A Higher Priced Original. One example is a curry ad where women chat on the sofa and the husband fills the place of the human table, the advertising slogan reads: “Curry that helps you get the most out of your husband.”
Allen Jones (s 1937) on Briti maalikunstnik ja skulptor, kelle mööbliskulptuurid on legendaarsed. Kunstnik kasutas nende puhul väga seksuaalseid poolalasti fetišriietes ja tikk-kontsadega naismannekeene. Naiste objektistamine tekitas juba 1970. aastatel kui Jones neid eksponeeris feministide raevu. Aastakümnete jooksul on neid aga lugematu arv kordi teiste loomeinimeste poolt enda omaks tehtud ja kopeeritud. Kunstnik andis seetõttu välja raamatu “Allen Jones Copied – From A Higher Priced Original”. Üks näide on karri reklaam, kus naised diivanil lobisevad ning abikaasa täidab inimlaua aset, reklaamlausena kõlab: “Curry that helps you get the most out of your husband.”